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Career Lounge Meet the Founder Shanta

Meet Our Founder

First and foremost, let’s get this out of the way: You are more than your current job.

Hello, my name is Shanta Strachan and I am passionate about helping others succeed!


I have been in the financial industry for over 15 years, spanning two countries. Landed 3 leadership promotions in 2.5 years at a Fortune 100 company all while being new to the country. Over the years I have been translating these successes, learnings, and 'wish I knew' moments into best practices and strategies to help others thrive in their careers.  I want to help you too!

Throughout my journey in the corporate world, I have always known that there was more to me than my job – and it’s vital that you know the same. There are always new challenges to face, new obstacles to overcome, and new hurdles to jump over. At the end of the day, your ability to rise above and climb the corporate ladder has less to do with the job title you hold and far more to do with the belief systems you have and the skills you’ve developed.

Much of my experience came to me through trial and error and a fiery passion for finding straightforward solutions to complex challenges. From relocations to destructive naysayers, company politics to interpersonal dynamics, I developed a deep understanding of the barriers and pitfalls that come with succeeding in such a dynamic and complex environment. My drive to achieve my dreams and find success was powerful, relentless, and resolute – all of which helped me build an impressive and high-achieving career serving the likes of Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies.

From these trials and tribulations came a deep, unwavering commitment to career development, strategic planning, and professional growth. As the years went on, I found myself coaching, empowering, and motivating others to find the confidence and develop the skills needed to accelerate their careers.

Today, I help professionals find the success they not only want but are willing to work for. I established Career Lounge to provide driven individuals with the support, knowledge, mentorship, and strategies to build a successful career and achieve their goals – all without the missteps, mistakes, and errors along the way.

Remember, you are more than your job. Your job is what you do throughout the day. Your career is the future you want to build and the legacy you plan on leaving behind. 

Together, we can make it a great one.

How I Can Help


Career Lounge Services


Career Lounge Redefined Digital Products


Career Lounge Accelerators Lounge


See what people are saying


Dream Job Landed - Career Transition in less than one month of coaching and resume revamp

"Before working with Shanta, I was having challenges transitioning from a sales-focused role to a compliance role. I had all the experience I needed but was lacking in general confidence and just somewhat unsure of how to execute my plans. I applied for roles that weren’t in alignment with my goals and thankfully I didn’t get through.  After 1 month of working with Shanta, I realized where my opportunities were. She revamped my resume and gave me tips on updating my LinkedIn.  She also gave me step-by-step guidance on answering key interview questions. I landed a senior-level job with regional responsibility. The main interview question that she prepared me for was what made me stand out in the interview and landed my desired job. Yes, that first question we have all come to expect is “Tell me about yourself?“ Prepare this answer thoroughly and you can use it throughout the entire interview. This was key for me as I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare but this tip allowed me to ace the interview nonetheless. So, prepare for all questions but make sure you perfect that one! 


I couldn’t be more excited - Shanta certainly exceeded my expectations. Thank you again and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. "


Regional Quality Compliance Manager

N. Rose

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